Why 3D Printing Is on the Rise

There’s no denying the fact that 3D printing is on the rise. Research shows that global sales for 3D printers have increased by approximately 80% over the past few years. This isn’t expected to change anytime soon, either. On the contrary, both businesses and consumers will continue to buy 3D printers at an ever-increasing rate. As a result, you might be wondering what factors are attributed to the rise of 3D printing.

Lower Cost

One of the reasons 3D printing is on the rise is its lower cost. While 3D printers have been around for decades, they were originally somewhat expensive. In 2010, the average cost of a 3D printer was about $20,000. Therefore, only businesses and consumers with deep pockets could afford them. Today, however, 3D printers are available for just $1,000. Some of them, in fact, cost even less.

New Processes

New 3D printing processes have emerged over the years. In addition to traditional 3D processes, such as fused filament fabrication (FFF), there are now alternative 3D printing processes like vat photopolymerization, binder jet, material jetting, electron-beam melting, selective laser sintering and more. Many of these alternative 3D printing processes use heat to melt the deposited material. They expose the deposited material to heat, thereby fusing the material together.

Increased Availability of Model Files

Another reason 3D printing is on the rise is increased availability of model files. In the past, businesses and consumers were forced to design their model files from scratch. While many businesses and consumers still use software to manually design their model files, others download them from a marketplace. There are online marketplaces where businesses and consumers can download model files to use in 3D printing applications. These third-party marketplaces make it easy to find model files to use in 3D printing applications.

Higher Accuracy

3D printers today are more accurate than those used in the past. They can produce objects in all shapes with extreme accuracy. 3D printers in the past were more likely to have errors. They would often suffer from “ghosting,” for instance, which involves the production of erroneous lines.

Less Waste

Not only are they are more accurate than their counterparts used in the past, but modern-day 3D printers also produce less waste. 3D printers today are highly efficient. They are able to selectively deposit material in areas where it’s needed. As a result, they produce little or no waste. These are just a few reasons why 3D printing is on the rise.