5 Facts About Locking Gas Springs

Gas springs offer an alternative to mechanical springs. They feature a container of compressed gas. When exposed to a force, the pressure of the gas will increase. All gas springs use compressed gas, but some of them are able to … Read More

The Beginner’s Guide to Gas Spring Dampers

Gas spring dampers are used in a wide range of products. You can find them on office chairs, trunk hatches, cabinet doors, medical equipment and more. While they can store mechanical energy like all other springs, though, gas springs feature … Read More

How to Choose the Right Gas Springs

Gas springs are commonly used to align and position moving parts. Like all springs, they are devices that store mechanical energy. Gas springs, though, leverage a gas-filled compartment. Most gas springs have a piston rod that moves into and out … Read More

The 4 Main Parts of a Gas Spring

Gas springs are commonly found in machines as well as certain types of furniture. Like all springs, they are designed to store mechanical energy. Gas springs are distinguished, however, by their use of gas. They use gas to store mechanical … Read More

The Benefits of Gas Springs: What You Should Know

Gas springs have become a popular alternative to traditional coil-based springs. Also known as pneumatic springs, they consist of a gas-filled cylinder with a piston attached to the end. The piston is extended by default. When exposed to a compressive … Read More

How Do Gas Springs Work?

A spring is a device that’s used to store energy. When exposed to a load, energy will transfer from the load into the spring. Not all springs use a mechanical method of operation, though. Some of them use gas. Known … Read More

Mechanical Springs vs Gas Springs

When most people hear the word “spring,” they envision a coiled piece of metal that’s able to retract under pressure, followed by bouncing back to its normal state after the pressure has been released. While this is a common way … Read More