Congratulations Brittney Rodgers on being Employee Of The Month for April 2021

Brittney is always a friendly upbeat positive force around our office. She has been instrumental in assisting the Elkhart warehouse team with Rubicon training and assisting with any questions they have with regard to shipping/receiving material on our Rubicon platform. She has recognized how full my plate has been and jumped in to assist with the office remodel, coordinating carpet cleaners, painters, etc.
Not only has she been helping everyone else, but she has also stayed on top of her job. With our increased sales she herself has been extremely busy billing, preparing credit applications for Karen’s approval, and training Danielle, who is new to A/P. She is a perfect example of the One Monroe mentality, it’s not just about helping other locations but also helping anywhere you can at your own location. Brittney has made a big impact on Monroe. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without her on my team. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without her on my team.
~ Jalaine Johnson

1. Name: Brittney Rodgers
2. Job Title: Accounts Receivable
3. Where did you grow up? Biggest Little City (Reno, NV)
4. How long have you worked for Monroe? January 1st, 2021 (Monroe), Titan Wire & Cable (2016)
5. What do you like about working for Monroe? I like that there are opportunities for career growth.
6. What is one thing you love about your job? I never thought accounting would be my career path, but I have really come to enjoy what I do. What I love most about my job is the strategic, problem-solving aspect of accounting.
7. If you could add one thing to your office, what would it be? A nap pod and a margarita machine, but we all know that is not work appropriate!
8. Before working at Monroe, what was the most unusual or interesting job you
have ever had? I worked on a ranch when I was in high school, taking care of horses and crashing a truck into the fence going 5 mph on my first day (they still kept me)!
9. Three words to best describe you. Smiley, outgoing, and adventurous!
10. If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mexican food!
11. If you were an animal what would you be? I would be a lion because I am a Leo.
12. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it? When I was younger, I used to be really good at barrel racing and team roping. I made it to the team roping finals in 2011 in Reno.
13. What is one song you have completely memorized? Devil Went Down to Georgia by The Charlie Daniels Band
14. What is one totally irrational fear that you have? Birds.
15. Any favorite line from a movie? “Make good choices!” (Pitch Perfect)
16. Best vacation you have been on? My honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico.
17. Least favorite Food? Any food that is a substitute for the real deal!
18. Do you have a motto or personal mantra? Totally cliché, but “If it is meant to be it will happen” but there is so much meaning behind this for me.
19. What are your three most overused words/phrases? “So, there’s that”, “Oh my goodness”, “Oh Sh*t!” (just ask my 2-year old)!
20. What is an ability you wish you had? The ability to foresee future events.
21. What is one thing on your bucket list? Travel the world, specifically Amsterdam and Italy.
22. What do you like to do in your spare time? My family loves to camp, but I also love to ride horses any chance I get.
23. What is your favorite sport or sports team? Denver Broncos
24. Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Tiny elephant. A giant hamster seems a little scary!
25. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Plan a trip with my family to Disney World and buy a house on some land.
26. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Carrie Underwood or Hailey Kinsel (World Champion Barrel Racer)