Congratulations Judi Chaffee on being Employee of the Month for December 2022!

This month we would like to recognize Judi Chaffee as the employee of the month. Judi is the second longest OneMonroe employee (27 years!!!). In those years she has covered a variety of responsibilities ranging from managing ProMotor Car Products to customer service. Judi is the living embodiment of OneMonroe. She is devoted, caring, always willing to go the extra mile, and the best team player you can ever expect.
Behind the scenes, her co-workers consider Judi the house mom who keeps everything in check. From decorating for holidays to ordering office supplies, she is always ready to jump in and help in any way possible. She is a constant force of positivity in the Rochester Hills location. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t have a smile on her face. Ask anyone in RH, Judi makes coming to work every day better because you never know what she will come up with next to either celebrate a holiday, create an event for us, or what she has in store for the amazing snack bar she lays out. She truly is the matriarch around here.
What many people don’t know is that outside of doing everything for OneMonroe Judi spends her time volunteering for charities all the time. When she’s not working, (which is not very often) Judi is a devoted grandma, mom, and wife whose hobbies include exercising, gardening, and drinking the occasion bloody mary. She’s truly an amazing person and RH wouldn’t be the same without her.
Judi, we thank you for all of the compassion and positive energy that you bring to OneMonroe!
Garrett Morelock & the RH Team

Get to know Judi Chaffee
Employee name: Judi Chaffee
Job Title: PMP Customer Service/Sales/Office Manager
Where did you grow up? In Michigan
How long have you worked for OneMonroe? 27 years
What do you like about working for OneMonroe? The family values and ability to try new things to see if they work.
What is one thing you love about your job? New ideas and challenges that crop up. Keeps me young.
If you could add one thing to your office, what would it be? Get a new Garmin fit-bit so I could track trying to stay healthy.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? something non-fattening.
If you were an animal, what would you be? I like penguins (but I have to learn to swim first)
What is one song you have completely memorized? Probably a couple from Neil Diamond.
Best vacation you have been on? cruise to Alaska
Least favorite food? fried liver
What are your three most overused words/phrases? Awesome
What is an ability you wish you had? swim
What is one thing on your bucket list Travel more
What do you like to do in your spare time? Spend time with my kids and grandkids, crafts, read, walk/exercise/run
What is your favorite sport or sports team? baseball/football
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? tiny elephant
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Check the numbers to make sure and then depends on how much I won.
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Pope, Neil Diamond, an old astronomer, someone in the work field in the 1920’s.