American Manufacturing Increases for Sixth Consecutive Month

The country’s manufacturing industry continues to grow, and apparently there’s no end in sight. According to a new report published by the Federal Reserve, American manufacturing output experienced positive gains for the sixth consecutive month, reaching the industry’s highest level … Read More

The Future of 3D Printing in Manufacturing

3D printing is just some science-fiction concept described in movies and TV shows; it’s a working technology that’s helping to shape a variety of industries, including manufacturing. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing refers to the creation of three-dimensional … Read More

Solar Energy Continues to Grow in the U.S.

It may still pale in comparison to traditional sources of power, such as coal-burning power plants, but solar continues to encompass a growing portion of the United States power grid. According to a recent report published by GTM Research and … Read More

What is Agile Manufacturing?

Have you heard of agile manufacturing? This term refers to a methodology in the manufacturing industry that emphasizes the importance of responding to a customer or client’s needs in a timely manner, as well as making changes to adapt to … Read More

5 Reasons to Choose Industrial LED Lighting

Are you looking to buy new industrial lighting for your business? While there are many options from which to choose — light-emitting diode (LED), incandescent, cold cathode fluorescent lighting (CCFL), etc. — LED is often the preferred choice. So, what … Read More

Manufacturing PMI Reaches Highest Point Since 2014

The United States manufacturing industry is growing at a faster pace that what most analysts had predicted. In fact, the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) recently rated the market with a 57.7% PMI, which is 17% higher from January’s rating … Read More

Top 5 Questions on Vulcanized O-rings

Having trouble finding the proper size o-ring for your application?  Maybe the size you are looking for is not available from stock.  Maybe the size you are looking for is too large to be molded.  Is the volume too low … Read More