In an effort to stimulate job growth and the nation’s economy, President Trump has embarked on a new “Buy American, Hire American” campaign. This campaign is designed to do just that: encourage people to buy American-made products and hire American workers.
Just last week, President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies throughout the country to conduct his campaign. Among other things, the order will clamp down on workers with guest visas while also requiring agencies to purchase a greater amount of foods and serves from American companies and employees. The general idea is to get people buying more American-made products and services, which in turn will stimulate the economy and create new jobs.
It’s no secret that overseas jobs have hurt the American economy in recent years. Companies often product their products overseas because of the cost-savings benefits it offers. In doing so, however, they don’t create jobs here in the U.S., and they pay less taxes. This is something Trump hopes to change with his new “Buy American, Hire American” campaign.
With the order in place, federal agencies will be conducting a review of the current H-1B visa program that allows foreign workers with certain skills to work in the U.S. President Trump says it will “aggressively promote and use American-made goods” with the purpose of ensuring a greater number of American workers are hired. Trump further said that the NAFTA free trade deal was a complete and total disaster, which he plans to change.
“The buy and hire American order I’m about to sign will protect workers and students like you,” said Trump when speaking to a crowd of technical students and manufacturing employees at the headquarters of Snap-On Tools. “It’s America first, you better believe it. It’s time. It’s time, right?”
Of course, Trump has taken other steps to strengthen the American economy and job market. He’s talked with some of the country’s leading executives and business owners, and he’s proposed various tax incentives to encourage them and other companies to produce products here in the U.S. instead of abroad. This has been a key point during his Presidential campaign, so it’s safe to assume we’ll see more it now that he’s in office.
What do you think of Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” campaign?
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