Why Your Door Hinges Are Accumulating Black Dust

Door hinge by Monroe

Have you noticed black dust accumulating on a door hinge in your home or workplace? Hinges play an important role in the function of most doors. Consisting of two leafs and a pin, they connect doors to an adjacent frame while simultaneously allowing doors to swing open. Over time, however, some door hinges may accumulate black dust.

What Is the Black Powder on Door Hinges?

Upon discovering black powder on a door hinge, many people assume that it’s mold. There are, in fact, varieties of mold that look like black powder. Fortunately, the black powder stuff on door hinges typically isn’t mold; it’s usually either hinge material or graphite from cheap lubricant.

How Friction Creates Black Powder

Friction may cause door hinges to produce black powder. When you open a door, the two leafs and pin will rub against each other. One of the leafs will be mounted on the door itself, whereas the other leaf will be mounted on the adjacent frame. Opening the door will then create friction as the two leafs, as well as the pin in the center, rub against each other. All of this friction can cause some of the hinge’s material to degrade and manifest in the form of black powder.

How Cheap Lubricant Create Black Powder

Another common cause of black powder on door hinges is cheap lubricant. Many door hinges come pre-lubricated. The problem with pre-lubricated door hinges, though, is that they may dry out quickly. If the lubricant is cheap, it may quickly evaporate. And once it evaporates, it may leave behind trace substances that look like black powder.

Avoid Black Powder With High-Quality Door Hinges

If you’re worried about black powder accumulating on your door hinges, you should choose high-quality door hinges. High-quality door hinges made of premium materials and expert craftsmanship typically won’t succumb to black powder.

Whether it’s a stainless steel hinge, a high-carbon steel hinge or a brass hinge, it will withstand countless articulations. It may still experience friction. Assuming it’s a high-quality door hinge, though, it won’t experience any notable loss of material from this friction.

In addition to choosing high-quality door hinges, you should use a premium lubricant. Lubricant will allow the hinge’s parts — the two leafs and pin — to rub smoothly against each other. But some lubricants dry quickly and can leave door hinges susceptible to black powder. As previously mentioned, the black powder may consist of ingredients in the lubricant. By using a premium lubricant, your door hinges will be better protected against this phenomenon.

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