Copper Belt Rivets & Burrs: The Traditional Fastening Solution

Copper belt rivets and burrs are a classic fastening system widely used in leatherwork, denim manufacturing, and heavy-duty fabric applications. This traditional method of fastening offers durability, reliability, and a distinctive aesthetic appeal. Made from copper, these rivets and burrs provide a corrosion-resistant solution that ages beautifully over time, developing a unique patina that adds character to the materials they join.

Understanding Copper Belt Rivets & Burrs

Copper belt rivets consist of two parts: the rivet and the burr. The rivet has a long shaft with a head on one end, while the burr, essentially a washer, fits snugly onto the shaft of the rivet. When set, the end of the rivet's shaft is peened over the burr, creating a permanent and robust joint between two pieces of material, usually leather or heavy fabrics.


Copper belt rivets and burrs are favored in applications where strength and aesthetic are both priorities:

  • Leather Goods: Used in belts, saddles, bags, and other high-quality leather products.
  • Denim Manufacturing: Reinforces stress points in jeans and other denim garments.
  • Heavy-Duty Fabrics: Ideal for canvas, tarps, and other robust materials requiring secure fastening.


  • Durability: Copper's natural properties offer excellent corrosion resistance, ensuring a long-lasting joint.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Adds a classic, rustic look to the products, which enhances with age as the copper develops a patina.
  • Strength: Provides a strong bond that can withstand significant wear and tear, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications.

Installation Process

Installing copper belt rivets and burrs is straightforward but requires precision:

  1. Prepare the Materials: Punch or drill a hole through the materials to be joined.
  2. Insert the Rivet: Place the rivet through the hole, ensuring the head sits flush against the material.
  3. Add the Burr: Slide the burr onto the protruding end of the rivet shaft.
  4. Peen the Rivet: Use a hammer or rivet setter to peen the end of the rivet over the burr, securing the materials together.


Copper belt rivets and burrs stand out as a robust and aesthetically pleasing fastening solution for leather and heavy-duty fabric applications. Their durability, coupled with the distinctive appearance they provide, makes them a popular choice for artisans and manufacturers alike. Whether for reinforcing a pair of classic denim jeans or adding a touch of style to a leather accessory, copper belt rivets and burrs offer both functionality and flair.

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