Aluminum is a versatile, naturally occurring metal that’s characterized by a silvery-white color and soft texture. In terms of abundance, it’s the third most common element in the Earth’s crust (oxygen and silicon being #1 and #2 respectively). Furthermore, roughly 8% of the Earth’s crust is made of aluminum. Aside from the fact that it’s readily available, however, there are other benefits associated with aluminum, some of which we’re going to discuss in today’s blog post.
Resistant to Rust and Corrosion
Stainless steel isn’t the only metal that’s resistant to rust and corrosion; aluminum also exhibits similar rust and corrosion-resistant properties. This is attributed to passivation — a term used to describe the creation of an exterior shield that prevents moisture and other elements from reaching the aluminum. This doesn’t necessarily mean that aluminum is immune to rust and corrosion. Rather, it takes greater exposure to these elements in order for aluminum to rust.
To say aluminum is lightweight would be an understatement. Many manufacturing companies choose aluminum specifically for its lightweight properties. 100% aluminum has a weight of 2.7 g/cm3. To put that number into perspective, it’s roughly one-third lighter than its steel counterpart. This is why aluminum is commonly used in automobiles and other vehicles, as its lightweight properties reduce engine load while subsequently leading to improved performance and better gas mileage.
Aluminum is a highly effective conductor of both heat and electricity. Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise given the fact that power transmission lines are typically made of aluminum. With its highly conductive properties, electricity flows easily through aluminum. Aluminum also conducts heat, meaning thermal energy can pass through the metal with ease.
Aluminum is completely impermeable, even with rolled to just hundreds of a millimeter thick. Aluminum foil, for instance, produces an impermeable barrier that prevents exterior elements from intruding upon the wrapped item.
Easy to Recycle
Sustainability has become a primary focus for many companies. While most metals can be recycled to some degree, aluminum is 100% recyclable. And when it’s recycled, aluminum maintains 100% of its quality with no degradation. This means recycled aluminum is just as good as “new” aluminum. So if you use or plan to use aluminum, be sure to recycle any leftover scrap metal.
These are just a few of the most notable benefits associated with aluminum. As you can begin to use aluminum, you’ll probably discover other benefits that are not listed here.