5 Facts About Ceramic Magnets

When shopping for commercial-grade magnets, you may come across ceramic magnets. They are used in electric motors, lifting devices, stereo speakers, microwaves, communications systems and more. Like all magnets, ceramic magnets produce a magnetic field. But they feature a unique … Read More

The Benefits of Using Sheet Handle Magnets

Does your job involve lifting or moving sheet metal? If so, you may want to invest in sheet handle magnets. Sheet handle magnets are high-strength lifting magnets. As their name suggests, they are designed for sheet metal. You can use … Read More

5 Facts About Lifting Magnets

Have you heard of lifting magnets? Also known as material handling magnets, they leverage a powerful magnetic field to pick up ferrous materials and workpieces. Rather than attempting to physically lift ferrous materials and workpieces — something that could result … Read More

How Heat Affects Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium magnets are recognized for their superior strength. A type of rare-Earth magnet, they are comprised of a neodymium alloy. While there are other types of rare-Earth magnets — samarium cobalt — neodymium is the strongest. A typical neodymium magnet … Read More

5 Facts About Demagnetizers

Need to remove a magnetic field from tools or workpieces? Look no further than a demagnetizer. Demagnetizers are devices that, as the name suggests, are designed to demagnetize objects. Also known as degaussers, they work by changing the orientation of … Read More

Ferromagnetic vs Paramagnetic vs Diamagnetic: What’s the Difference?

Different types of materials behave differently when exposed to a magnetic field. Some types of materials are immune to the effects of magnets. Other materials may pull towards or push away from magnets. Ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic are often used … Read More

Single vs Double-Barrel Magnetic Catches: What’s the Difference?

Barrel magnetic catches are commonly used to secure cabinets, doors, electronic enclosures and other objects. They feature a barrel-shaped permanent magnet and an accompanying ferromagnetic plate. You can mount the permanent magnet on the object that you wish to open, … Read More