Congrats to Travis Alden on being Employee of the Month for August 2024!
We are excited to announce that Travis has been recognized as our Employee of the Month! Since joining Sattler Inc. in 2015, Travis has been a shining example of dedication, positivity, and a willingness to learn and grow. His journey with us has been marked by an unwavering drive to excel and a constant readiness to help others.
Travis’s primary workstation is the CNC Lathe at Monroe Ira, but his versatility doesn’t stop there. Whether it’s working on assembly, running the HCN 6000, or stepping in wherever needed, Travis tackles every task with a smile and a commitment to getting the job done right. His positive attitude and adaptability have made him an invaluable member of our team. Congratulations, Travis, on this well-deserved recognition!
“There was a time when starting an apprenticeship in a machine shop right out of high school was the standard route to a lifelong career. One could train on the job, become a skilled machinist, and enjoy a steady career until retirement. Although those days have largely passed, we still see individuals who are determined to follow this path, building their skills and careers from the ground up. This month, we nominate someone who took that path, our Master of The Lathe, Mr. Adorable, and general exemplar of “How can we help?” for OneMonroe Ira, Travis Alden.
Travis came to us from the fast food industry, he wanted a change and decided that Sattler Inc was where he wanted to be. Since day one, Travis has been and is known for his positive attitude, drive to learn and excel, and always being ready to help out whoever needs an extra hand. His machine out there on the floor is the one CNC Lathe at Monroe Ira, but that’s not his only workstation. Whether it’s assembly, running the HCN 6000, or wherever he’s needed, Travis is there with a smile and getting the job done.
This is the guy who’s bench is always well organized and neat even after a long week of turning all the details for whatever package may be up for his machine, stays late if he has to and is willing to go the extra mile when it comes to getting it right the first time and learning from his mistakes to make sure we’re shipping the right parts to print.“
~ Adam Christner
Get to Know Travis!
Employee name: Travis Alden
Job Title: Machinist
Where did you grow up? Snover Mi
How long have you worked for Monroe? Since June 1, 2015
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? I eat chicken almost daily
If you were an animal, what would you be? A goat
What is one totally irrational fear that you have? I don’t like heights
Best vacation you have been on? I don’t go on vacations
Least favorite food? Lebanese Food
Do you have a motto or personal mantra? Do what’s right, not what’s easy
What are your three most overused words/phrases? Hello
What do you like to do in your spare time? After work, I am usually running the kids to sport practices
What is your favorite sport or sports team? Bowling and tennis
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Giant Hamster
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Reinvest and save it
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