Employee of the Month: Bill Yung

Congratulations to Bill Yung on being Employee of the Month for September 2023!!


“Bill has championed our cause to improve our ISO 9001:2015 certification to now include AS9120:2016. This is a huge win for us, as this should surely help boost our growth and give us new opportunities. Bill is always making an impact and looking for ways for the betterment of the company. Currently Bill is searching for training grants that will allow our employees to receive specialized tutelage for their craft. Bill’s work ethic is exemplary. He’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave and always brings the best attitude to work. This attitude is infectious and ripples throughout the entire office. Bill always performs above and beyond and has superior interpersonal communication skills that makes not only his job smoother but also everyone else’s. Bill’s job knowledge far exceeds all expectations and uses the knowledge to help across the board. Did I mention that he is always filling the candy jar with treats for all to share? :-)” – Del Furbish

Get to Know Bill Yung

Employee name: Bill Yung
Job Title:Sr. QA Engineer

How long have you worked for OneMonroe? 3 months, EFI 3 years 9 months

What do you like about working for OneMonroe? Empowerment

What is one thing you love about your job? Hands-on

If you could add one thing to your office, what would it be? Fish tank/water fountain

Before Monroe, what was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had? Working for TSA

Three words to best describe you. Quality, timely, family

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Rice with broccoli and chicken

If you were an animal, what would you be? Rooster

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it? Kung Fu

What is one song you have completely memorized? Twinkle, twinkle little star

What is one totally irrational fear that you have? Falling off a cliff

Any favorite line from a movie? Great Power comes with great responsibilities

Best vacation you have been on? Niagara Falls

Least favorite food? Beets

Do you have a motto or personal mantra? Wait, regulate, meditate

What are your three most overused words/phrases? Yes and no

What is an ability you wish you had? Photographic memory

What is one thing on your bucket list Visit Europe

What do you like to do in your spare time? Watch TV

What is your favorite sport or sports team? Soccer

Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Tiny elephant because great things come in small packages

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? 10% to charity

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Dali Lama