Employee of the Month: Tim Barbeau

Congrats to Tim Barbeau on being Employee of the Month for July 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Tim Barbeau has been recognized as our Employee of the Month! Tim Barbeau has been a cornerstone of our OneMonroe team for an impressive 15 years, Tim has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication and work ethic. His reliability, proactive approach, and willingness to go above and beyond have made him a crucial asset to our company and we are proud to have him as a member of our OneMonroe team.


Tim has always been an excellent employee and crucial for keeping things running around here. In our production process, every part we make needs to be cleaned and goes through a cleaning machine for this step. When our cleaning machine went down a few weeks back, that obviously brought our standard workflow to a halt. Tim stepped in right away and started washing all of our critical parts by hand and coordinated that effort with Joey. That allowed parts to keep getting out the door, but was not sustainable. Tim then went above and beyond to get the machine back up and running.

First, he stayed late while talking on the phone with the local distributor to try and solve the problem. When that rep ran out of ideas, Tim came in early (2:30AM) to get on the phone with the manufacturer in Germany. By around 7 am, they had isolated the problem to one circuit and found a part that should solve the problem. When the part arrived the next day, we quickly discovered that the problem was not fixed. Tim then went wire by wire in the machine, hooking and unhooking connections to try and track the source of the problem. He was here until late into the evening again talking to the local distributor. Once again, he came in early (2:30 am) to get back on the phone with the German manufacturer to re-diagnose the problem. This time, the problem was traced back to an actuator. A workaround was identified and the machine was back up and running later that morning.

I really appreciate Tim jumping in and finding a solution. He never complained and always kept the focus on getting this critical piece of equipment back up and running. He has done this countless times over the years and am really grateful he is a part of our team.

– Matt Shelby

Tim Barbeau, our maintenance supervisor at OneMonroe Lyn-Tron, is an invaluable team member. His rapid identification and resolution of the part washing machine issue, along with his willingness to work extra hours, significantly exceeded expectations and ensured minimal downtime, maintaining daily production. Tim displayed excellent communication and teamwork by collaborating closely with the lead operator, fostering a supportive work environment with his positive attitude and proactive approach. His exceptional understanding of his role, adaptability, and flexibility in managing time and resources were evident in his swift diagnosis and repair of the machine, ensuring the seamless operation of Lyn-Tron’s production schedule. Tim’s great attitude, willingness to volunteer, and commitment to tasks, even beyond regular hours, make him an exemplary employee.

– Jeff Nichols

Get to know Tim!

Employee name: Tim Barbeau

Job Title: Maintenance Supervisor

Where did you grow up? All Over – My dad was in the Army

How long have you worked for OneMonroe? 15 yrs.

What do you like about working for OneMonroe? A feeling of job security

What is one thing you love about your job? Something new to do everyday.

If you could add one thing to your office, what would it be? I’m pretty content with how things are.

Before OneMonroe, what was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had? Served in the Army

Three words to best describe you. Motivated, Adaptable, Reliable

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Meatloaf and Mac & Cheese

If you were an animal, what would you be? Worker Bee

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it? None

What is one song you have completely memorized? Summer of ’69

What is one totally irrational fear that you have? Snakes, though that’s not Irrational at all.

Any favorite line from a movie? Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Best vacation you have been on? Florida Keys

Least favorite food? Sauerkraut

Do you have a motto or personal mantra? To each their own

What are your three most overused words/phrases? All Righty, Living the Dream, Yup

What is an ability you wish you had? Play the Piano

What is one thing on your bucket list SkyDrive

Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Tiny Elephant

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Elvis

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