Congratulations Vicki Jara on being the first Employee Of The Month for January 2021.

Every shop has that person, the individual that keeps us all in line and makes sure that we’re staying on track… whether we want their assistance or would rather not. Here at Monroe Sattler, that’s Vicki.
It’s difficult to qualify everything that Vicki does around here, whether it’s managing our books, ensuring that our ERP system is functioning the way it’s supposed to, making sure we all cross our T’s and dot our I’s on any job-related paperwork, taking care of all of our Human Resources needs, and keeping the front office on task, she handles it all magnificently.
There’s a ton of work she does here that’s not always appreciated but without Vicki, our operations here would come to a crashing halt; not a single job ends here without her review, vacation requests wouldn’t go forward, payroll wouldn’t go out on time and be handled correctly. In short, she’s essential to Monroe Sattler and has our backs on a lot of aspects of our business that we don’t always see on a daily basis.

Get to know Vicki Jara !!!!
1. Name: Vicki Jara
2. Job Title: Accounting
3. Where did you grow up? St. Clair Shores and Sarasota, Florida for a few years
4. How long have you worked for Monroe? Since November 2, 2020
5. What do you like about working for Monroe? Friendly people, opportunity to learn new things!
6. What is one thing you love about your job? Busy work, there is always something to do!
7. If you could add one thing to your office, what would it be? Stand up desk
8. Before working at Monroe, what was the most unusual or interesting job you have ever had? Worked with mainframe computers and reel to reel tapes, that are no longer used!
9. Three words to best describe you. Work-acholic, helper, worrier
10. If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Breakfast
11. Best vacation you have been on? Dominican Republic
12. Least favorite Food? Indian
13. Do you have a motto or personal mantra? Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong
14. What are your three most overused words/phrases? Hmm, really, ok
15. What is one thing on your bucket list? Go to England
16. What do you like to do in your spare time? Go on walks
17. What is your favorite sport or sports team? Whatever team my kid’s on
18. Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Tiny elephant
19. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Invest it
20. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Queen Elizabeth