What is Prefabrication? Get the Facts

When reading about the manufacturing industry, you may come across the term “prefabrication.” So, what is prefabrication exactly? Prefabrication refers to the process of building and assembling a structure at a manufacturing site and transporting it to a remote site … Read More

American Manufacturing Expands at Fastest Pace in 13 Years

The American manufacturing industry has expanded at its fastest pace in more than 13 years. The Institute of Supply Management (ISM) gave the manufacturing industry’s factory index a 60.8 reading for the month of September. To put that number into … Read More

Cheap Solar Panel Imports Hurt American Manufacturing, Says Trade Group

Solar power has become an increasingly popular source of energy in the United States. Statistics show that the United States had 40 gigawatts (GW) of solar power capacity at the end of 2016 — that’s nearly double the capacity it … Read More

Detroit to Open Secret Henry Ford Experimental Room

Detroit will soon opens the doors to a secretive room operated by Henry Ford at the corner of its Piquette Avenue factory. While working on the first Model T, Henry Ford is said to have spent months creating mockups and … Read More

What’s the Difference between Bolts and Screws?

It’s a common assumption that bolts are screws refer to the same fastening hardware. But while they look similar — and have similar characteristics — they are two unique fasteners with their own unique applications. So, what’s the difference between … Read More

Google Invests $1.1 Billion in Self-Driving Car Project

Launched in 2009, Waymo is a secretive project led by Google with the goal of developing self-driving cars. Formerly led by Sebastian Thurn, who co-invented Google Street View, it’s made significant progress towards making self-driving cars a reality. In 2015, … Read More

Trump’s Re-Election Campaign Publishes New Video Touting American Manufacturing

When Donald Trump was still campaigning to be the 45th President of the United States, he was touting plans to revive the American manufacturing industry. Since then, he’s worked with some of the country’s leading manufacturers while encouraging the public … Read More