Infographic Reveals Top US Manufacturing Focus by State

Manufacturing is one of the most important sectors in the United States. As of March 2017, more than 12.4 million people work in the manufacturing industry, which is responsible for generating some $1.9 trillion in gross domestic product (GDP). But … Read More

Vice President Mike Pence Says ‘American Manufacturing is Back’

United States Vice President Mice Pence recently published an article on the in which declared that “American Manufacturing is Back.” It’s no secret that the American manufacturing industry has been on the decline in recent years. After World War … Read More

What is Brass? Get the Scoop on This Popular Metal Alloy

Identified by its characteristic dark-gold color, brass is a metal alloy consisting of copper and zinc. It’s often preferred over other metal alloys for its color, which is why doorknobs are often made of brass. However, brass is used in … Read More

New York Announces ‘Buy American’ Act

The New York Assembly is taking steps to strengthen the Empire State’s manufacturing industry, particularly its iron and steel sectors. Senate Bill S4073, also known as the “Buy American” policy, will require the NY government to buy products made in … Read More

How to Prevent Steel from Rusting

Rust is a phenomenon that occurs when iron — or metals containing iron — are exposed to oxygen. Oxygen causes iron to “oxidize,” typically forming red oxide through a chemical reaction. When this occurs, the distinct red-colored rust may begin … Read More

Recycling Copper: What You Should Know

If you’re looking to make some extra cash, you should consider recycling copper. While not as readily available as aluminum, it’s worth more than its aluminum counterpart pound for pound. Assuming you have enough copper items to recycle, you can … Read More

How to Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing

Maintaining a fast and efficient workflow is critical to the success of a manufacturing company. If another company can manufacture goods in less time, they’ll be able to offer lower prices, giving them an upper hand on their competitors. So, … Read More