Head’s Up: More Workers Needed in US Manufacturing Industry

The United States manufacturing industry has experienced strong growth over the past few months. While it suffered some setbacks last year, the industry has since turned around with a positive manufacturing index. But there’s new evidence suggesting that the industry … Read More

4 Fun Facts About US Manufacturing

The United States has one of the strongest manufacturing industries in the world. It’s responsible for producing billions of dollars  in goods each year, while creating countless jobs for Americans. Most financial experts will also agree that U.S. manufacturing is … Read More

Brexit Boosts UK’s Manufacturing Industry

When Britain voted to leave the European Union, there was some question on whether it would help or hurt the nation’s economy. Some market analysts said the UK’s decision to leave would limit its trading opportunities, while others said it … Read More

Tesla to Develop Zero-Emissions Manufacturing Facility

Tesla Motors, one of the world’s leading makers of electric cars, electric powertrains and batteries, has announced plans to develop a zero-emissions manufacturing facility. Dubbed the “Gigafactory,” the revolutionary new manufacturing facility isn’t just environmentally friendly; it’s also big, very … Read More

Will US Manufacturing Surpass China?

The United States manufacturing industry has experienced strong growth over the past year. As we discussed in a previous blog post, the industry has experienced positive growth for the fifth consecutive month in July, signaling a healthy manufacturing market. Even … Read More

US Manufacturing Expands for Fifth Consecutive Month

I think it’s safe to say the United States manufacturing industry has rebounded, as new reports indicate that U.S.-based factories have expanded for the fifth consecutive month in July. There’s been some concern among manufacturers in recent years, largely because … Read More

Benefits of Aluminum: What You Should Know

Aluminum is a versatile, naturally occurring metal that’s characterized by a silvery-white color and soft texture. In terms of abundance, it’s the third most common element in the Earth’s crust (oxygen and silicon being #1 and #2 respectively). Furthermore, roughly … Read More