White House Announced New Initiatives in American Manufacturing

machine-1651014_960_720In celebration of National Manufacturing Day, the Obama Administration has announced a series of new initiatives in American manufacturing. These initiatives are intended to further strengthen the industry, creating thousands of new jobs while bolstering the country’s economy in the process.

While there’s been some skepticism regarding the health of American manufacturing, I think it’s safe to say the industry is doing quite well. According to the White House, there have been 800,000 plus new jobs added to the manufacturing sector since 2010. Countless CEOs from the world’s top companies have also named the United States as being the best country in which to invest, thanks in part to its healthy manufacturing industry.

But the White House is looking to further strengthen the country’s manufacturing industry with several proposed initiatives, one of which is new grants. These grants will be offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and will support Veterans in their pursuit of specialized training in the manufacturing sector. These grants will provide much-needed resources to individuals who are looking to get started in the rewarding field of manufacturing. The White House also cited a new report bu the National Economic Council which focuses on the Administration’s plan to strengthen overall competitiveness in the manufacturing industry.

The White House has also announced commitments from more than 100 organizations, including one by MIT, 18 by the Grand Challenge Scholars Programs, and 30 new apprenticeships by the Manufacturing Association of Central New York.

As noted by the Press Secretary, manufacturing is a vital industry that’s used to create aircraft components, medicine, cars and more. In honor of this industry, President Obama has declared October 7, 2016 as National Manufacturing Day.

Too often, young people do not envision themselves in the manufacturing careers that proudly produce iconic Made in USA goods, like world-class aircraft engines, life-saving biopharmaceuticals, and cutting-edge automobiles. That’s why President Obama has proclaimed October 7, 2016 as National Manufacturing Day to celebrate the strength of American manufacturing and to motivate the next generation of manufacturers,” wrote the Press Secretary when announcing the news.

The bottom line is that manufacturing is here to stay — and the government is taking steps to further strengthen it. As described above, these new initiatives include grants, commitments, and the declaration of October 7 as National Manufacturing Day.

You can learn more about these American manufacturing initiatives by visiting the official White House website at https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/10/06/fact-sheet-new-progress-resurgent-american-manufacturing-sector.

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