Rotacaster & Omnia Wheels Offerings (Omni-Wheels)
Unlike swivel casters, which need to re-orient themselvesevery time a new directional force acts upon them, Omniawheels respond directly, without hesitation. This is a moreintuitive and effective multi-directional steeringexperience, delivering mobility in simple, predictable andefficientways.
Wheels Within Wheels
Rotacasters are a unique wheel,using patented productionprocesses and designs that createthe most robust, reliable andadaptable omni wheel anywhere.
Tough, Strong & Resistant
The corrosion resistant all polymerdesign is pound for pound strongerthan any wheel on the market andsuitable to mission critical usesas a floor wheel, a conveyor transferor in robotics and AGVs.
Directional stability
Thanks to the fixed mountingposition and dominant primaryrolling direction, the Omnia wheelallows stable transfer of loadswithout detours or scrubbing.Great, by design.
The design of the Omnia wheelallows turns without turningeliminating the need for excessspace and height to accomodate theswivel offset and allowing forinnovative space saving desigign.
Introducing OMNIA.
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