Gearing Up For Manufacturing Day 2015

calendar-01In case you didn’t get the memo, Manufacturing Day 2015 is right around the corner. This annual event is used to create greater transparency in the manufacturing industry, with thousands of companies opening their doors to show the general public what their normal day-to-day operations are like. If you’re interesting in learning more about Manufacturing Day, or how to host your own event, keep reading.

According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), more than 12 million Americans are employed in the manufacturing industry, which translates into roughly 9% of the entire workforce (source). While the job market is still attempting to rebound since the economic downfall, economists say manufacturing remains strong. This trend is due largely in part to the public’s change of view regarding products made overseas. There’s a growing demand for made-in-America products as opposed to products purchased in China, Japan, or other overseas nations.

Manufacturing Day is an annual event designed to serve a few basic purposes, one of which is to promote the American manufacturing industry. By raising attention to this industry, more jobs will be created and more workers will be interested in filling those jobs. Furthermore, however, Manufacturing Day aims to educate the public on the nuances of manufacturing. Employers in the manufacturing industry are encourages to open their doors to the public on Manufacturing Day, allowing them to step inside to see what their operations are like.

As noted in a press release, Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) is a Gold Sponsor for Manufacturing Day. Manufacturing Day sponsors receive free advertising across the various events hosted on this day. Last year, there were more than 1,600 events hosted on Manufacturing Day, attracting more than a quarter of a million attendees. This number is expected to grow even higher for this year’s Manufacturing Day.

The Manufacturing Day co-producers are thrilled to have the support of Gold Sponsor, AAM, for the third straight year,” said Ed Youdell, president and CEO of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International. (FMA). “Their grass-roots advocacy program has helped to make ‘Made in America’ a viable part of the political conversation again and matches up perfectly with the mission of Manufacturing Day. We value their continued support. Their willingness to endorse the Manufacturing Day story is critical to the continued growth of events across the country.”

Manufacturing Day 2015 will take place on October 2nd.

Do you plan on celebrating Manufacturing Day this year?

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