White House Hosts ‘Made in America’ Exhibition

On Monday, the White House hosted its second “Made in America” exhibition, during which it showcases made-in-America products produced from all 50 states. During the event, products from leading U.S. automakers like Ford were displayed as well as sports equipment … Read More

Textile Company Aurora Hosts American Manufacturing Initiative

The Yorkille, Illinois-based textile company Aurora has launched an initiative to celebrate the country’s manufacturing industry. Dubbed “Investing in American Manufacturing,” Aurora’s initiative seeks to raise awareness for the American manufacturing industry while also encouraging consumers to buy made-in-America products. … Read More

Study Reveals Which Manufacturing Companies are ‘Reshoring’ the Most Jobs

Manufacturing remains one of the country’s most vital industries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than 12.4 million Americans are employed in the industry, with manufacturing businesses generating a gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately $2.2 trillion … Read More

5 Tips to Reduce Waste in the Manufacturing Industry

All businesses should take a proactive approach towards minimizing waste, and manufacturing companies are no exception. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more than a quarter-billion tons of trash are produced in the United States each year. While it’s … Read More

May Marked the 100th Consecutive Month for US Manufacturing Expansion

Even amidst a potential trade war, the U.S. manufacturing industry continues to grow. According to a  new report from the Institute of Supply Management (ISM), May was the 100th consecutive month in which the industry expanded. This means that for … Read More

Benefits of Lean Manufacturing: What You Should Know

Lean manufacturing has become a common methodology implemented by countless manufacturing companies, both in the United States and abroad. It refers to the use of a manufacturing system that minimizes waste and maximizes efficiency. The concept of lean manufacturing was … Read More

6 Common Myths About Steel

From bridges and cell towers to kitchen appliances and mechanical fasteners, steel is one of the most versatile metals on the planet. However, there’s a lot of misinformation out there on the topic of steel. To help clear up the … Read More