Aluminum vs Steel: Comparing the Two ‘Kings’ of Metal

Aluminum and steel are among the most commonly used metals in the manufacturing industry. From airplane fuselage panels and automotive frames to  nuts, bolts and washers, there are a countless number of items made of these metals. While they share … Read More

US Manufacturing Output Sees Positive Gain

The United States manufacturing industry has experienced its first positive output in more than six months, according to various reports. The Federal Reserve recently reported that industrial output increased by 0.9% in January. Analysts were initially skeptical of the manufacturing … Read More

Is 3D Printing the Future of Manufacturing?

The idea of “printing” a fully functional guitar may have once been disregarded as nothing more than science fiction, but the times have changed, and now it can be done with very minimal effort. Thanks to recent technological advancements, 3D … Read More

Manufacturing Jobs Increase in 2016

While some analysts remain dubious over the future of the US manufacturing industry, new employment numbers reveal a strong, healthy industry that continues to grow. According to a report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), unemployment in the … Read More

Study: US Could Switch to Alternative Energy with Relative Ease

Most people are fully aware of the benefits of using alternative energy sources such as wind turbines, solar panels and geothermal. Because they don’t produce or emit greenhouse gases, they do not contribute to man-made climate change. However, one of … Read More

US Manufacturing Rebounds in January

December marked the end of a rough year for the U.S. manufacturing industry. It saw several consecutive months of job cuts, prompting analysts to issue a warning about the industry. But it appears that things are turning back around for … Read More

New 3D Printing Technology Uses Rust and Metal Powder

3D printing was once viewed as nothing more than science fiction with no real practical use, but that’s beginning to change thanks to recent advancements made in this ever-growing industry. Among the most notable advancements in 3D printing is the … Read More