Safety Tips To Follow When Handling Sheet Metal

If your company produces, transports or handles sheet metal, you should take additional precautions to ensure the safety of your employees. Some companies completely overlook sheet metal as a potential workplace hazard, leaving employees susceptible to work-related accidents. In this … Read More

Preparing Your Patio For The Spring Season

With spring just weeks away, homeowners everywhere are scrambling to redecorate their homes with cosmetic changes to prepare for the new season. Spring is all about a colorful revival of new life, and your home’s appearance should reflect this concept. … Read More

North American Mars Factories Now Landfill-Free

Candybar maker Mars has achieved its goal of sending zero landfill waste from its ten North American factories, raising the bar of sustainability for other companies to follow. The Virginia-based candybar maker announced this goal earlier this year, citing the … Read More

How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels?

One of the primary reasons why homeowners decide to install solar panels is to save money on their monthly power bill. As the world’s crude oil reserves begin to dwindle down, the cost of non-renewable power is inevitably going to … Read More

How Solar-Powered Water Heaters Work

Most homes use either electricity or natural gas to power their water heaters, and while these work fine, they can add up in additional energy expenses over the month. Depending on the size of your home and how much water … Read More

What Is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is defined as energy generated from natural resources which can be easily replenished. Some examples of renewable energy are solar, wind and biomass just to name a few. Before the industrial revolution, most of the world relied on … Read More

How To Cool a Steel Workshop

Steel workshops and buildings can heat up incredibly fast. As we edge closer and closer to spring, the temperatures will begin to rise. Whether you use it for business or pleasure, you should optimize your steel workshop to its more … Read More