What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Ball Screws?

Originally known as an antifriction nut, a ball screw is a mechanical device that’s used to convert rotational motion into linear motion. They feature a long threaded shaft with ball bearings to withstand significant stress and weight, all while minimizing … Read More

Brazing vs Welding: Comparing These 2 Common Joining Processes

Welding and brazing are two of the most common metal-joining processes used in the manufacturing industry. When fasteners aren’t viable, manufacturers often use one of these techniques to join two metal surfaces together. But while brazing and welding both allow … Read More

The Beginner’s Guide to Bushings

While small in size and simple in design, bushings play an important role in high-stress applications where vibrations are problematic. Automotive suspension systems, for example, often feature control arms with bushings that connect the vehicle’s struts or shocks to the … Read More

What Are O-Rings? And How Do They Work?

Also known as a toric joint — in reference to its torus shape — an O-ring is a gasket with a circular-looped design that’s used to seal two working surfaces. The valve stems in automotive engines, for example, often use … Read More

What is an Aeronautical Beacon?

Ever notice colored flashing lights at the top of a tower structure at an airport or landmark? Or maybe wondered how a pilot knows the difference between airports and landmarks at night? The aeronautical beacon is one of the ways … Read More

What’s the Difference Between Hot-Chamber and Cold-Chamber Die Casting?

Commonly used in the manufacturing industry, die casting is a casting process that involves forcing molten metal through the cavity of a pre-shaped mold. Base metals such as zinc, aluminum, copper, magnesium and lead are first heated until they achieve … Read More

What to Consider When Choosing Casters?

Are you looking to purchase casters for your business? Featuring a rolling wheel housed inside a protective, swiveling frame, casters can turn stationary objects into mobile objects. After installing them on the bottom of a stationary object, you can roll … Read More