US Manufacturers Experience Fastest Business Growth in 14 Years

Manufacturers in the United States experienced strong business growth in August. According to a new report by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM), the country’s manufacturing industry grew at its fastest rate in 14 years last month. After analyzing responses … Read More

What Are Lifting Magnets And How Are They Used in Manufacturing?

Countless manufacturing companies — along with companies in other industries — use lifting magnets in their daily operations. This ergonomic lifting solution allows manufacturing workers to easily lift, move and manipulate heavy objects. And while it may sound like an … Read More

New Reports Shows Strong Job Growth in Manufacturing Sector

The American manufacturing industry is looking for new workers. While this sector has always been a core component of the nation’s economy, a recent report has surpassed even the most optimistic analysts’ expectations. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics … Read More

How Steel Manufacturing Boosted the US Economy

From cutlery and outdoor furniture to building frames, bolts, screws, bridges and more, steel is a versatile material that’s used in a wide variety of applications. Classified as an alloy featuring iron and carbon — as well as other elements, … Read More

6 Things You Didn’t Know About the American Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is one of the country’s most vital sectors. It’s responsible for producing goods that are sold to consumers and other businesses. Without manufacturing, we wouldn’t have a stable, healthy economic. But while most people are familiar with the general … Read More

American Manufacturing Employment Growth at 2-Decade High

There’s no better time than the present to get a job in the manufacturing industry. While the American manufacturing industry has always been a critical element of the country’s infrastructure and overall gross domestic product (GDP), it’s grown increasingly fast … Read More

ISM Rated American Manufacturing Above 60 for June

If you keep up with the news, you’re probably well aware of the positive advancements in the U.S. economy in recent months. Even amidst fears of a trade war, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and job market remains strong. … Read More